
The environmental management

The environmental management system of THK RHYTHM AUTOMOTIVE CZECH, a.s., Dačice is an integral part of the overall management system of our company.The constant striving for improvement, for attracting motivated and environmentally conscious employees and for close cooperation with our customers, suppliers and legal authorities is indispensable for achieving the environmental goals we have set for ourselves as a company.

Through error-free, cost-effective, innovative and environmentally sound production, we strive to create, implement, maintain and continuously improve our environmental processes, as well as to achieve a high quality of our products and services at a competitive cost, with respect for environmental concerns and with acceptance of external and internal issues that affect our company.

system scope

The company currently focuses on the production of chassis and steering parts for passenger cars and, to a limited extent, trucks. Part of the THK RHYTHM AUTOMOTIVE CZECH a.s., Dačice plant is also a development and testing centre, which focuses on chassis parts and steering joints. It carries out both research and development and supports mass production through its testing facilities. In addition, it provides support to the Technology Centre in Düsseldorf, Germany. All of the above activities have been ISO 14001 certified since 2000.

The boundaries of the environmental management system are defined by the premises of THK RHYTHM AUTOMOTIVE CZECH a.s.

View site plan

our principles

In all our processes and activities, we take care to protect the environment. Employees are regularly trained on environmental protection principles.
The basic principles we follow include:

  • Sort waste.
  • When handling and storing substances hazardous to the environment, follow the guidance given in the supplier’s ‘Safety Data Sheet’.
  • If environmentally hazardous substances (e.g. oils, miscellaneous liquids, gases, compressed air etc.) are released during the operation of machinery or other equipment, report this immediately to the site manager.
  • Dispose of waste oils, waste emulsions, degreasing waters and floor cleaning waters only in designated areas (ultrafiltration).
  •  In the event of a sudden incident endangering the environment or the health and safety of employees, take the necessary measures immediately to rescue the persons at risk and prevent the spread of the accident. Then report the incident to your supervisor and the concierge.
  • Save electricity, do not shine unnecessarily. Handle compressed air with care. At the end of your shift, turn off the equipment and close the air supply if possible.
  • Do not waste water.
  • Before leaving the workplace, check that it is secured against the release of substances hazardous to the environment.
  • Keep your workplace clean.


As employees of the company, we are committed to apply the following rules in the performance of our work:

  • Ensure smooth implementation of new projects into production in accordance with customer requirements and internal Q and HSE assurance systems.
  • To continuously improve Q and HSE system and environmental performance.
  • Ensure compliance with all relevant mandatory standards, customer requirements and THK standards.
  • To continuously educate all employees and actively support them in the implementation of Q and HSE principles.
  • Protect the environment and minimize negative impacts on the environment and employees in all production and non-production processes.
  • Reduce material and energy consumption.
  • Strengthen communication and cooperation on Q and HSE at local regional level.
  • Cooperate and require Q and HSE compliance and improvement from all suppliers.
  • Ensure security of the entire facility and safety of employees, including other persons staying in the company premises.
  • To prioritise preventative action over corrective action.
  • Adhere to the principles of sustainable development.

Note: Q = quality, HSE = occupational health, safety, environmental protection, security and safetyQuality, safety, occupational health, environmental, energy management, safety and security policies. This policy is a tool to fulfill the vision and mission of THK RHYTHM AUTOMOTIVE CZECH a.s., which are set and supported by the management of the company.